
Many years ago, I had an experience that deeply impacted me. I visited a church on a mountain and volunteered at a free clinic alongside a dentist, providing much-needed assistance to the aboriginal people in the area. It was heartbreaking to witness their immense pain and struggle. They endured physical discomfort, poverty, and even resorted to drinking openly during the day. During my lunch break, I found solace in prayer, asking God to intervene and alleviate their suffering. In that moment, a powerful thought crossed my mind: rather than placing faith in other deities, it is essential to believe in oneself and forge our own path. This revelation felt like the truth.

It dawned on me that what we give to others is ultimately what we give to ourselves. Often, the root cause of their pain lies in their lack of self-awareness. We unintentionally build our own happiness on the anguish of others, failing to respect and bless them as fellow human beings. The guidance I offer is not derived from channeling or any supernatural means, but from tapping into a higher dimension of understanding through our inherent perception. Such wisdom knows no boundaries of time or space; it transcends both the past and the future. By keeping an open heart and diligently documenting our learnings, we gradually come to realize the authenticity of the messages conveyed through this luminous realm.

It is crucial for us to focus on substance rather than mere appearances. Regardless of who may have created the world, their purpose is to teach us how to love and cultivate tolerance. Often, we hold onto the belief that we are right while others are wrong. However, as we gain insight into our own flaws and challenges, we naturally discover that life's lessons guide us away from fear and despair, leading us towards the radiant path of light and love. This journey ultimately takes us back to the very essence of life, a source brimming with luminosity and boundless affection.

Let me clarify that we are not a religious group. Our aim is to empower individuals to understand themselves better, and we assist one another through our innate perception. Sometimes, we struggle to recognize our own issues, just as we struggle to see our own reflection. It can be challenging for our minds to accept this truth, as it may not always offer the most pleasant advice. Nonetheless, acknowledging this key principle is the catalyst for transforming our problems, even if we may not readily embrace it.

As I write this, the world is facing the challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic. In solidarity with the Western world, I light a lamp and offer my heartfelt prayers for their well-being. During a moment of contemplation, I witnessed a profound image: the manifestation of Jesus Christ above a blooming wine bottle in my water. This reinforced my belief that God loves the world deeply. The suffering endured by humanity stems from their failure to fully comprehend and follow God's teachings.

To truly understand love, we must extend kindness to others and embrace all beings in the vast universe. It begins with fostering love within our own families and initiating personal change. By embarking on this transformative journey, we can create a ripple effect that radiates love, kindness, and compassion throughout the world.

(Translated by Shawn Lions)

God said not to believe in oth

(   多年以前,我去山上一個教會,跟一個牙醫師去作義診,去幫助那些原住民,我看見他們非常的痛苦,大白天就喝酒,全身都充滿著病痛,生活在貧窮之中。我的身後就是一個教堂,中午休息的時候,我為這些人祈禱,上帝啊!你的一句話,不要相信其他的神。
是的,我們給予他人的,就是給予自己,人們就是因為不認識自己 ,才會陷入自己所做的痛苦之中。
我們都重視的形式,而忘了內涵,不管是誰創造的世界 ,都是來教導我們學會愛與包容,因為我們總是認為自己是對的,錯的都是別人。當我們了解到自己的問題,自然就會發現,生命所有的一切,都是來教導我們遠離恐懼和壓抑,走向光明,成為愛,回到生命的本源,一個光與愛的源頭。

(Teacher David)

God said not to believe in othGod said not to believe in oth

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