Many years ago, I had an experience that deeply impacted me. I visited a church on a mountain and volunteered at a free clinic alongside a dentist, providing much-needed assistance to the aboriginal people in the area. It was heartbreaking to witness their immense pain and struggle. They endured physical discomfort, poverty, and even resorted to drinking openly during the day. During my lunch break, I found solace in prayer, asking God to intervene and alleviate their suffering. In that moment, a powerful thought crossed my mind: rather than placing faith in other deities, it is essential to believe in oneself and forge our own path. This revelation felt like the truth.

It dawned on me that what we give to others is ultimately what we give to ourselves. Often, the root cause of their pain lies in their lack of self-awareness. We unintentionally build our own happiness on the anguish of others, failing to respect and bless them as fellow human beings. The guidance I offer is not derived from channeling or any supernatural means, but from tapping into a higher dimension of understanding through our inherent perception. Such wisdom knows no boundaries of time or space; it transcends both the past and the future. By keeping an open heart and diligently documenting our learnings, we gradually come to realize the authenticity of the messages conveyed through this luminous realm.

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